Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It's hard to believe it's already been one year. It seems like just yesterday we were counting the minutes in anticipation of her arrival. In celebration of Lulu's first year, we had a Ladybug party for our little bug.  Mommy and Daddy spent many hours making red pom poms out of yarn to have flying ladybugs hanging from the ceiling.  (It's harder than it looks!)

Ladybugs were everywhere!  Marching up the walls, hanging from the ceiling, clinging to the fridge, and lounging on the furniture.  They even showed up on the cake!

Speaking of which, we really thought our ladybug would be more interested in her sweet treat than she was.  True she appreciated the artistry (and was attracted to the flame).

But soon she was swarmed with a bunch of crazed cake pushers!  Maybe this ladybug doesn't have such a sweet tooth.

At the end of the day it was a great start to this whole birthday thing.  She may have liked the paper and boxes more than the presents, but she definitely loved her guests (best buddy Julian, Henry, Faye, Scott, Aunt Becky) and of course, as always, her doting big brother.....

It's been an amazing year.  Looking forward to many more.

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